

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 2 months ago

Nickel Plate Road



This is a WIKI: A user-editable, collaborative dictionary. So much valuable information about the NKP passes through my computer only to get lost in the bit bucket. This site is a way for me to capture it and make it retrievable and usable.

I would like to put everything I know about the NKP on this site. And everything you know! Feel free to edit it to add things and to correct errors.[this is still an experiment, so I using the free version of this Wiki software, which limits the size available. Therefore, I'd like to keep the number of photos and maps low and the amount of text high until we see how successful this experiment works. Thanx]


An overview of the Railroad

What this wiki is trying to accomplish

Some basic history of the NKP

An NKP bibliography

NKP System Map


Wisdom of the Sages: Retired NKP Engineers and Trainmen

Ben Planck

Don Daily


Wisdom of the Mages: NKP Model Railroaders and Researchers

Ray Breyer

Tony Koester

Don Worsham


Your Host: Alan Cooper


Trains and Schedules


Motive Power



Detailed information about each District 

The Nickel Plate District

The Clover Leaf District

     1st Subdivision

     2nd Subdivision

     3rd Subdivision

     4th Subdivision

The Lake Erie and Western District

     Sandusky Division

     Peoria Division

The Wheeling and Lake Erie District


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